You delight in me

Today’s Scripture
“...By this I know that you delight in me: my enemy will not shout in triumph over me...” Psalm 41:11

Today’s Word -Who’s on Your Side?
In today’s Scripture when David looked at where he was as the king and thought about all he had gone through to get there—King Saul trying to kill him, people betraying him, armies attacking him—he recognized that God was behind the scenes the whole time, not letting those enemies defeat him. It gave him a boldness for he knew the Lord was on his side.

All of us have some of these “by this I know” experiences. When you look back at how you survived that sickness, how you put yourself through college, how you broke that addiction, you realize it was only by the grace of God, and here you are. When you know the Lord is on your side, it gives you a boldness. You don’t fall apart when opposition comes. Your attitude is, “You’re messing with the wrong person. I may look ordinary, but I have a secret: The Highest God is on my side.”

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for the history I have with You and for every time You have not allowed the enemy to triumph over me. Thank You for all the times when You’ve shown me that You are at my side. By this I know that I will triumph. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Today’s Video

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