EMPATHY – A Key tool for love, joy, success, peace, and more HOPE.

A mywhy.in initiative produced by Charles D. PINTO.

Some of the deliverables you’ll get from reading this short blog are mentioned in the title above, the full list is exhaustive. Let’s start.

The Oxford dictionary defines EMPATHY as the ability to understand another person's feelings.

EMPATHY is a key tool in The Hope Project, you may want to review the related blog on HOPE (https://bit.ly/HOPEnOw) and FAITH (https://bit.ly/FATHnow ) before you enter the third phase, which is EMPATHY.

The importance of EMPATHY
We All live in our own version of reality limited by our senses, temperament, and experiences. It is crucial for you to attempt to hear others reality, through EMPATHY. It is an act or attempt to understand another’s perspective, emotions, and reality. As social animals understanding the other is key to creating and maintaining relationships. The EMPATHY process is controlled by the human brain. Listening. When you yawn others may yawn in reply. This is driven by subconscious reflexes. To be empathetic think beyond yourself and your concerns. Be observant of others, we spend most of the day dwelling on ourselves caught up in our own routine and distractions. Focus on the others state of mind instead of characterizing. Genuinely care about their well-being, how they are feeling… Use active hearing.

During a conversation consider the other persons views/ response first, ask follow-up questions to better understand intentions of the speaker. Understand their emotional state and deeper motivations behind their statement. What life experiences led to this current world view. You don’t need to share the opinion in order to understand and acknowledge it. Open up. Understanding the other persons views you get a third-party view, which also helps develop your views.

EMPATHY is a two-way street based on mutual understanding. You get to a shared commonality, by understanding the other persons views even with those who have different views than yours. An open mind will keep you away from prejudice and expand your moral universe. Else, we label people as other, the problem, or enemy. This raises a wall which prevents our growth. We do not realise human experience is a shared experience. There is actually much in common and you see the small variations of the same reality.

Added sharing
We are more bothered about status/ position in life and forget our real role, which not necessarily being in-charge but taking care of the people in our charge. We need to be good at our role. We tend to not focus on social training on our life and of those collaborating with us on achieving our goals. Leadership is key, like a muscle the more we practice the better the performance. Engagement is key. The same person would respond to an empathetic person in a better way than to a person who’s there only to find fault. If you create the right environment you will get a happy collaborator, else a disgruntled one, not contributing to your set goals. Let’s vision a situation of bad performance, an empathetic approach is to share concern and offer help. Everybody has a bad day or an area of improvement which you can uplift. The normal approach is to bring the person down, you get stunted delivery towards your goals. You don’t know the problems they are facing, which affect delivery. EMPATHY focusses on the person not just the output. The old concepts we use to handle such situations, based on fear, are bad for our goals. New ways require an empathetic approach. Adding safety and confidence for others, increases productivity towards our goals. If most of our stakeholders are not delivering it may not them but you. Getting the natural best, through EMPATHY is possible. In EMPATHY we don’t have to be the leader, the best, the superstar, but instead use good interpersonal dialogue. It’s not always about winning or losing.

Don’t play to be I everyday in every situation but to outlast the goal. Be obsessed with what you do and where you’re going. How do I improve my thinking, planning, and implementation today than yesterday? Spend time finding solutions to reach your goals. EMPATHY will help you achieve your BEST LIFE now.

Remember, you are your primary EMPATHY coach and implementor, hence added responsibility and attention to detail is a must, which will surely pay off. Now, this is not just a mind thing, but has to be put down on paper, preferably written, as it adds up on conviction. We will be here to answer email queries at cp@mygi.in. Basic queries are for free. Remember the process has been shared, implementation is your responsibility.

All the very best to you on your well-planned start of the EMPATHY Process.


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